Saturday, January 5, 2008

Holidays, arn't they great!

So...I have a friend who thinks I'm funny. Everyone has their delusions. She set up this blog for me. And silly me, until I tried to get started, I thought that she did the hard part. It has been over a month since she set it up, and I think she is getting ready to lynch me. Seriously, I found a receipt for feathers. I'm sure she's hiding the one for tar.

Anyway, I thought I would share what happened over the holidays with my family. First I've got to tell you that being the only one in the immediate family that lives out of the St. George area has its benefits. Everyone is extremely glad to see me, and I can do no wrong! I frequently wonder who stole my family, and if they are going to return them when they pick up this one.

So, I went home for Thanksgiving. I expected a nice visit, but not much that would go on. I mean, last year my little brother, CE (If I use initials no one will know who I'm talking about, right?), tried to blow his hand off. That makes this year clam, right? Using this logic, I decided that I would bring my boyfriend home to meet my family. Never use logic where my family is concerned.

My other little brother (Yes, I have 3. I consider myself rich. If you want one, just ask. Depending upon the time, you may even get the one you want.) WE tried to kill himself. If you have extra time in your prayers, please give a shout for him. He is dealing with chronic headaches and a pretty severe depression, not a lot of fun. Everyone else was normal, and other than that it was an ok visit. I brought my boyfriend home, and returned after WE got out of the hospital. Unfortunately I could only get a week off, I would have liked to have stayed until Christmas.

During that week CE got his wisdom teeth out. Let me tell you, CE on Lortab is one of the funniest things that you have every seen. He thought that he could drive. When he was tackled he decided he would escape out the bedroom window. I don't know why he didn't take his car, but luckily he didn't. So, my little sister, BJ, and I searched the neighborhood (hoping we would find him before the cops had to bring him home) and mom called him. He came home, but on the way he stole a scooter from somewhere. He was having such fun riding it, and acting completely stupid! To this day, he doesn't know where he got it. We left it on the corner, hoping that the kid who owned it would find it. I hope that he did. I'm not sure what else we could have done, it's not like we could have taken an add out in the local paper. ... "Stolen scooter, if it's yours please come to 123 street and pick it up. Sorry for any inconvenience. I was high and didn't know what I was doing." ... Doesn't go over very well.

Mom was lonely, so I went back for Christmas. I was going to bring my boyfriend (he was so not going to stay in his apartment alone for Christmas), but his mom got lonely too. That or he's more scared of my family than he lets on. He came back with homemade jam, so I guess my family's not that scary. Over Christmas My little sister, JM, found out that she was pregnant. She decided to tell us by bringing over the test. I'm not sure why. It sparked an hour long debate about how pregnancy tests fade/don't fade over time. And, of course, how reliable they are in the first place. She should have known better, it's not like she didn't live with our dad for 20 years! I felt really sorry for her husband. He so totally didn't know what to say or do.

So...that was my holidays. And just so you don't think that my whole family is crazy, I have a brother that didn't make it into this blog. But don't worry. I'm sure that there is hope for him yet.

JLD, how's this for a first post. Kind of long, don't get used to it! :)

1 comment:

Jes said...

Great post! You're hilarious. Keep them coming.