Friday, June 18, 2010

Isn't technology great?

We are having phone issues.

Maybe it's because we have finally got to the point where we have a little money to play with. Maybe it's because our 'Utah' phones don't like the 'Nebraska' humidity. (I know that I don't) Or it might be the fact that we both have been off contract for about five years now, and our phones would be great-great-great-grandparents if they were actually able to copulate. Wow, that's a visual I really didn't need.

Anyway, Nick's phone had it's final 'senior moment' last month. Nick knows what phone he wants, he just wants his arm and leg more. We figured that since I just want a phone (not a spreadsheet, media player, note pad, calculator, hopscotch taw, and whatever else you can think up ... oh, and it would be nice if it could make calls too) we would get me a new phone now, and Nick one when we can afford the one he really wants. If it can, in truth, be called a phone.

So, I got a new phone. Nick took charge of my old phone....and the centipede game. *sniff* However, today decided it to play dead. (The phone. Centipede still whops!) We are currently in the process of reviving it. Luckily we found some help.

Lucky because I hate fruit cake...I don't care who made it. If it has candied fruit, it's the nastiest thing on the planet. We read the post out loud to the phone (just to let it know what was coming should it decide not to cooperate) and decided to skip down to step six. That, and I don't think that we would have had much luck with number 5 either.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Random thoughts

Just a few random thoughts to brighten your day.

~*~ The other day I was thinking of the movie "The Bucket List." It lead me to consider what might be on my bucket list. After pondering this for a moment, I asked Nick what would be on his bucket list.

He wants to go to Australia and hunt donkey, cat, kangaroo, and anything else they will let him chase with a gun. My first thought? "You want to go to Australia and chase some tail?"

~**~ I love the Bob and Tom show. After all, without it, how else would I hear about the Pakistani spy that was caught in India this week. It is a pigeon. It is being held without visitors.

~***~ On the way to Wal-Mart we pass a giant field. It's about to be turned into condos. In the mean time, it's being used to grow hay (or whatever becomes hay...a farmer, I am not).

Here's the process of harvesting hay...from my perspective, of course.

  1. The hay is cut, and arranged into cocaine.
  2. Several tractors fight to see who gets to snort the lines. (Note to self, I need to get up earlier so I can watch the brawl.) In the process of snorting, they defecate all over the field.
  3. *HeHe* Tractor scat.
  4. Finally, another tractor comes along and arranges the scat. Kind of like a dung beetle who's lost it's appetite. Although, it could have started to read right wing literature.