Thursday, January 26, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

IT'S A BOY!! -- maybe

According to the ancient Chinese fertility calendar, Nick will not have to deal with the 'girl drama' that he has been dreading! 

The site says that it is 95% accurate ... did they lie?  We'll see tomorrow.

UPDATE:  There's more than one reason why the ancient Chinese died off. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

A New Year!

Well, it's that time again.  Time to account for last year's resolutions, and offically state this years.  For those interested, last year's reasolutins can be found here

At the beginning of this new year, I am happy to report that all of my resolutions failed.
1. Sadly, I still have a life outside of Faerun and Ferelden.
2. Nick, as cute as he is, decided that his time would be better spent in obtaining legal employment. 
3. Cancer research remains firmly entrenched with those who are better versed in genetics than I am.

Now, on to the new year!  This year, I resolve to:

1. Set up better security in the stockroom.  Plus, if I use this little gem from TSA I could generate all kinds of new revenue! 
2. With all that revenue, I am almost guaranteed a promotion at work.  As a delightful bonus, it won't require the extensive surgery that this method will.
3.  Finally, I am going to follow the example set by our president and throw out the budget.  Besides, I'm getting a promotion, remember!

Well, for better or worse, those are my resolutions.  Good luck with yours, I know that I will be working hard on mine.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

DINKS again!

Well, at least for a few months. 

Nick has got a job at a software quality control company, being a quality control analyst.  I thought I'd share the good news!

(For those of you who don't know, DINKS stands for Double Income No KidS.  Apparently this acronym isn't as popular as I thought.)