Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Star Trek!!

Facebook only lets you click "like" once ... so I had to share it here.

I so can't wait until we see the new Star Trek move!!  (No spoilers in the comments; we are going this weekend.  And it is going to be worth the headache!)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Baby Logic

It was such a nice day yesterday, that we decided to go to the park and play.  We started out on the playground equipment, and M enjoyed that a lot.  We swung, we slid, we rocked in a boat-thingy, and we played in the wood chips (thankfully M remembered that wood chips are not food). 

After a while the play ground got too crowded.  We started to feel like we were in the way (since M is too small to play on her own, we have to be on the equipment with her ... she isn't quite walking yet), and we didn't want to cause an accident, so we moved to a grassy spot.

M loved playing on the grass.  She even crawled normally!  Previous attempts caused her to crawl like a cat with shoes on.  It was very entertaining.  She found a dandelion, and plucked at it.  She found several crinkly leaves, and tried to eat them.  To her credit, for the first ten "that's not food"s she would put it right back down.  On the tenth, it made a mad dash for her mouth.

She saw a dog, and wanted to play.  Nick took her on a stroll of the park to find a "baby-friendly" dog that M could pet.   I sat in the sun, and loved the feel of it on my skin.

She came back, and crawled around some more.  Then she found a good sized rock.  It was easily twice the size of her fist ... and she was absolutely certain that it was food.  Most of the time a quick "that's not food" would cause her to reverse the course of the rock ... but a few times I had to get my hand between the rock and her mouth. 

After half a dozen failed attempts of eating the rock, she decided to try a new tactic.  She crawled over to her treat cup, put the rock in her treat cup, and THEN pulled it out to eat it.

Oh boy!  **Sigh**  I think we are in trouble.

Friday, May 10, 2013

What if Animals Would Eat at McDonalds?

Every ask yourself "what if?"  Someone did ... and this is the delightful result!

If you would like to visit the source of this wonderful video, it is here.