Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Family drama, when it rains it pours....

You know, for most families a wedding is enough drama for at least a week or two. However, my family has never been typical. We like things to come in threes. In rapid secession.

I didn't know this at the time, but it turns out that my wedding day was also my brother and his wife's due date. She went into labor before we went into the temple. Needless to say, they were not there, and didn't get kabobs that night. I felt really bad for them. Those were some really good kabobs. Ty and Jo really out did themselves!

After kabobs, both Nick's sisters and Jen realized that they forgot the things to decorate the car. Yea! However, Nick's sisters decided that they would use plastic forks. Nick dragged me out to the car, in an attempt to head them off. Except that would be too easy. One of Nick's friends came late...and we didn't get to leave before they found the crayons. They wrote on all of the windows. Since you can barely see it, I'm ok with leaving it until I have time to scrub it off. We were really grateful that we didn't have to stop at a car wash on the way out of town.

After the BBQ my family (sans Nick and I) got together at my parents house for a marathon gab/joke session. This is my favorite part of weddings and funerals, and I felt a little bad about missing it. Since it lasted till three in the morning, I didn't feel too bad though. That's when Jared called to say that he needed a babysitter. He was taking my sister to the emergency room. It turns out she had a gall stone blocking a bile duct. OUCH! The next day, they stole her gall bladder. While they were at the hospital, Jimmy called to have my dad help him give a blessing to his wife. They were taking her for an emergency C-section. Double and triple OUCH!!! That has it's own story, which I don't have the rights to publish. Let's just say that a malpractice suit is probably pending. I've never heard anyone say anything good about that doctor, and now I don't like him.

Everyone is home now, and doing great. Jen says that her stomach hardly hurts anymore. And, I got pics of little Kendal. He's got to be the cutest little snot I've ever seen. Looks very much like his dad did! Hopefully he won't grow out of it (just kidding....I love you Jimmy). now everyone knows why I haven't posted. Family drama is wonderful, isn't it?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

We thought of Jimmy and NIcole.... we brought over some plates of kabobs and salads.... just right before the all night gab session.

I will have to add my sorry and thanks to grandma too! sorry mom, but thanks! :D