Tuesday, October 14, 2008

12 Steps of Normalcy--Step 1

OK. If I am ever to join the ranks of normalcy, I will need to do it officially. If I do this piecemeal, I am afraid that I will end up somewhere stuck in the middle. That has to be worse than being at either end. I have decided to go through the 12 steps of normalcy. However, I do not know what these are. So...I googled it. This is what came up. I will repeat the steps here.

  1. Admission of powerlessness
  2. Reliance upon a higher power
  3. Total surrender to God
  4. Moral inventory
  5. Admission of the exact nature of our wrongs
  6. Commitment to total change
  7. Prayer for total wholeness
  8. Total willingness to amend
  9. Making amends where possible
  10. Continuing inventory
  11. Prayer and meditation
  12. Spiritual awakening

The reader is cautioned that these steps not only lead to normalcy, but a 'full spiritual regeneration'. I am not sure what is ment by this; but, if they will allow me to escape from the whip crack of logic, I'm game.

I'll take these steps in order, one at a time, providing a different post for each one. I can't promise any time frame for completion, as each step must happen in its own time. To rush the process would be a mockery.

I came close to completing step 1 in a previous post. Here, I will complete the process. *Ahem* My name is Jeramie, and I am a slave to logic. Nothing is more beautiful than a string of thoughts that neatly tie together, the next flowing naturally from the previous. When I find myself following such a path, my heart races, my eyes dilate, my palms get sweaty, and it's hard to breath through the excitement. I think Nick is getting jealous. Anyway...my name is Jeramie, and I am a logiaholic. I need help.

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