Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I've been tagged!

Ten years ago:

I had just graduated from Dixie Jr. College, now Dixie State College (they went 4 year). I was planning on going to WSU, where I would become a criminalist. My goal was to work on a body farm, or become a medical examiner. I didn't know that you had to be either an Anthropology major or a MD.

5 things on my to do list:

1. Get my thesis published.
2. Find a real job.
3. Figure out why I still haven't received the part I ordered almost 3 weeks ago.
4. Get the TGA fixed.
5. Send Jessie's planters to her.

Things I would do if I was a millionaire:

1. Play with a tiger cub
2. Pay off debt
3. Invest
4. Visit the black and the mutter museums
5. Spend the night at the Winchester manor
6. Start a scholarship fund
7. Make a crop circle
8. See Jeremy Bentham
Above all else...HAVE FUN

Places I have lived:

1. Avendale, AZ (barefooted outside on Christmas day, Yea!)
2. Lovelock, NV (only there for 2 months, and horses stink)
3. Martin, SD (it starts to snow, and they close school)
4. Ivans, UT (red dirt, only bleach will take it out)
5. Kanab, UT (home of the 'pink bridge')
6. Kearns, UT (as a kid, the only place where I graduated from the same school I started at)
7. Odgen, UT (moved there twice, about 20 years apart)
8. Salt Lake City, UT (still here)
9. St. George, UT (seems like every other move I end up back there)
I don't think that I left anywhere out...but it's possible.

Now for the difficult part. I'm supposed to tag 5 people. I only read 4 blogs (not including my own). And half of those have been tagged already. So...if you haven't been tagged, guess what? Tag, your it!


Jenn said...

i am it?!
does that give me cooties?!
what are the rools?!
i think i will play.

Jeramie said...

Only if you want them.
Answer the same questions,and tag 5 other people.

Jes said...

Part for what? Is it something sciency?

Jenn said...

you realy need to get another post it has ben this for days and days:D

Jeramie said...

Yes, the thermocouple on the TGA. It is a glorified, flexible therometer.