First, an up-date on 2008's resolutions. I didn't accomplish any of them (even with the extra year). To date: I still cough at the mention of a cigarette, haven't touched a drop of alcohol (Oh, not true! I did pass the wine bottle at supper club.), and only gained 9kg.
**does a happy jig**
Welcome 2010! (Only 2 more years before the Aztecs have to buy a new calendar)
This year I resolve to:
- To start reading right wing literature. I've been telling Nick that it will rot your brain, now it's time to prove it. As an added bonus, this will turn me into a monkey. As a monkey, I can fling poo at people I don't like. (Resolution #2 is in response to Nick's counter argument that being a monkey will decrease my creativity.)
- All poo to be flung will be sculpted.
- Become disorganized. OCD is quickly becoming the bane of my life. Case in point: a pile of clean dish cloths out side of the drawer isn't too bothersome (at least not more than a pile of anything else would be). However, once they make it into the drawer they MUST be folded neatly (and categorized as to style and size), or I loose sleep.
**Raises soda pop** Here's to a new year. Good luck with your new year resolutions. I'll do my best with mine.