Friday, April 18, 2008

Got Spring?

Spring is here, at least in the Salt Lake Valley. Inspired by a friend's blog, and the subsequent comment war that I tried to start with said friend's new bride, I thought I would list a few of the things that mean spring to me. So, in addition to the trees budding and the flowers blooming...

The forsythia is in full bloom. You might say "Hey! Wait a minute, doesn't that plant bloom in February?" Yes, yes it does. And shortly following this blessed event my allergies surge. And, of course, the brilliant yellow flowers insure that everyone in town has at least one bush in their yard. How wonderful.

Hay fever has started. I have been asked by no less than four people this week if I have hay fever. At the change of seasons, any season, I give up trying to keep my nose and sinuses clear. Instead I focus upon keeping the head and earaches to a minimum. Seventy dollars worth of drugs a month, and I still have a freaking headache!

Skeet hunting. Last weekend we had the first trap shoot of the season. The weekend before it snowed four inches. Well....ok, maybe not four inches, but you get the point.

The new diet fads are coming out. My sister sent me a text message today that said you could lower the fat content of your burger by 40% if you mixed prunes into the meat. We agreed to leave geriatric burgers to those who are over seventy or severely constipated. Don't worry, I'll assume that time has been very good to you.

The Salt Lake City Marathon is tomorrow. That means that, because of the road closures, the graduate student across the hall from me has to leave her house at 5 am in order to get to campus before noon. Absolutely insane, it is a 15 minute drive! Boy am I glad I'm not helping with the Science Olympiad. Although I live further north, so I'm not boxed in like she is...

Last Tuesday it was snowing off and on. Around 6 pm I realized that it was snowing but, I could smell wet pavement. I refuse to call that smell 'rain'; 'rain' smells like wet sage brush and creosote.

As my friend mentioned, Baseball has started. In general, I am not a fan of spectator sports. Normally I don't notice the beginning and ending of a season, but the stadium is on the way to Wal-Mart. If you want to go to Wal-Mart right before or after a game, it takes twice as long to get there.

Which leads me to my favorite one. Wal-Mart has bathing suits on sale. You can't miss them; they're right next to the winter coats.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm sorry

This blog entry is an apology of sorts. I have come to realize that sometimes I am not as politically correct as society dictates, or even at all. So, in no apparent order, I have picked several things over the years that I really shouldn't have said or done. They all start with those very important words that everyone finds it so hard to say...

I'm sorry that I...
  1. blew up a can of A&W cream soda. I'm even more sorry it was in front of my boyfriend, who won't let me live it down.
  2. told my brother "Then go to hell" in sacrament meeting. I probably shouldn't have taken my mother's subsequent laughter as encouragement.
  3. have a cat that is flipping the bird as my IM portrait. Not sorry enough to change it, but sorry none the less.
  4. learned that my little brother is so susceptible to suggestion that I could tickle him from across the room.
  5. made fun of Joesph Smith's double underlining of the phrase "the pure in heart." It really could have been just a reminder to check the spelling.
  6. got my roommate evicted. You'd think that after 50 years of life you would figure out that some behavior just isn't acceptable.
  7. convinced my sister that if she didn't do everything I said her 'eye jelly' would fall out and she would go blind.
  8. unmercifully abused #4.
  9. knocked on the window of the van so I could throw a snowball at the kind lady who was willingly giving us a ride home from school. Honestly, she looked bored.
  10. suggested "We kicked your butt" for the cheer after a church basketball game. It did seem like an all around summary of the game. It was a massacre.
  11. threw little black balls of string at my sister while yelling SPIDER. I was even more sorry when she stopped reacting.
  12. got thrown out of the ball pit at Chucky Cheese. I don't remember it being that much fun when I was little, maybe it was just the banishment.
Well, that's my list. If you were hoping to see something here, and didn't, let me know. I'll tack it on. This is not a plea for forgiveness, just a realization that I may need some. I'm really not sorry enough to be forgiven.