First, let's give a recap of last year's resolutions. To find them, check out this link.
- Increase stockroom security at work. A little progress, but mostly it was a bust. Like everyone's get fit resolutions.
- Promotion at work. Nope. Sadly, the little bit of progress mentioned above did not bring in any new revenue. And I am not quite ready for the drastic measures recommended by the article.
- Throw out the family budget. Nope. A giant nope. As Obama becomes more and more fiscally irresponsible, we are becoming more and more responsible. (It has to all balance out in the end, right?)
- Teach Morrigan a trade. We've been telling everyone she is our retirement plan. With the current white house residents, she is going to need all the head start she can get.
- I will gain a new hobby. Sleeping sounds like a good one.
- To stop washing dishes. It is said that doing dishes on New Year's day will cause a death in the family. Why risk it the other 355.25 days?! I am being purely selfless here, and thinking of my one remaining grandparent.