It all started on New Year's Eve. Nick told me that he would like to go to the mall to 'look' at rings again. I almost balked. My ring was already picked out, and he wasn't much help with his ring. What was there to look at? It was a complete surprise when he bought it. We sent it off to get it sized. When we got home I asked him who I could tell that we bought my ring, and he said..."Nobody. Not until I put it on your finger." I thought that was very mean, and said so. He laughed. I reminded him that he put it on my finger at the store, and he said it didn't count unless it came with "the" question. These last few weeks have been pure torture!
Wensday night Nick asked if I wanted to go to the Olive Garden for lunch Thursday. Then he asked if I even had to go in at all. I've been training another research group on our TGA, so the last few days has been spent helping them with their research. They weren't coming in today, so I was excited about having the instrument all to my self. When I told him this, his face fell through the floor. I swear I heard it crash. Then it hit me....ring....lunch....Olive Garden....OH! I told him that we should have lunch.
Before I left, Nick got my phone and started flipping through the numbers. I debated on if I should let him find it on his own, or if I should help him. I decided to be helpful...he looked really lost flipping through the Js. I told him to try P. He asked why P, and I told him "for parents." He said "Oh," and jotted the number down. Needless to say, neither one of us slept well that night.
I went to work that morning, and let me tell you it was really, REALLY hard to concentrate on the calibration I was doing. Unbeknown to me (sort of), Nick was calling my dad. He later told me that the conversation went something like this:
"Hi Bill, this is Nick. I'm in love with your daughter, and would like to marry her."
"Who is this?"
Poor Nick! No wonder he was so nervous over lunch. After lunch, the conversation went something like this:
"Do you have to go back to work?"
"I probably should, but I don't want to. What do you want to do?"
"Let's go for a walk. Where do you want to walk?"
"Where is a good place to walk? You do more walking than I do."
"That's the problem. I've walked around the places here so often that I'm tired of them."
"Ok, where haven't you walked in a while?"
"The frisbee park." (Our first date)
"Ok, let's go there."
We get there and start to walk around. He tries to throw a snowball at me, but I make him be nice. We make it to the back side of the park, and he stops. Pulls the ring out of his pocket, and says that he has something to ask me. He gets down on one knee (in the snow no less!) and starts to pull off my right glove. It's cold, so I tell him that he has the wrong hand. We laugh, and then get engaged! One snowball fight later, and we're back to his place to call family/friends. Then comes the celebratory root beer floats. Yum!
So, now you all know the story. We're engaged!
i am sooooo very excited for you!
although i got a celebratory ice cream sunday... lol
Mom told me that Dad said that he had ben getting a lot of crank calls (he was suposed to have said this to Nick)... sometimes i wonder if the men in our lives sit and wonder ..." what the crud have i gotten my self into?" congrats again!!!! what day are you comming down? and will you be here for saturday afternoon ish?
I *love* your ring! It's so pretty.
I'm super excited for you. Nick's a lucky guy.
Congratulations! That is very exciting. This may be a stupid question, but what are "DINKS"?
DINKS: Double Income No Kids. Don't feel bad, Nick had to have it explained to him to.
CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so excited for you! That's fantastic!
Congrats, I was in Grad School with Nick . . . I am so happy for the two of you. I got married last summer and am loving it!!!
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