Now that you're wondering how in the heck that could result from something so innocent, I'll explain. It all started with the last cup of hot cocoa, about two weeks ago.
I am kind of a hot cocoa snob; I think that the quantity of cocoa I consume gives me this right. So, we mail ordered some Stephen's cocoa. It came yesterday. Three cans of chocolaty goodness .... deliciously packed in peanuts!
I am kind of a hot cocoa snob; I think that the quantity of cocoa I consume gives me this right. So, we mail ordered some Stephen's cocoa. It came yesterday. Three cans of chocolaty goodness .... deliciously packed in peanuts!
I looked longingly at the peanuts, and started to unpack the cocoa. Nick saw my responsible behavior, and decided to take over. He took the box....and spread the peanuts all over the floor! That's when the fun commenced! Nick's the best!
One of my favorite things to do when I get a package is to spread the peanuts all over the floor. Then I run, jump, hop, skip through them. They make such a delicious crunching sound. When I get bored of that, I'll snap them at Nick. That never fails to start a peanut fight!
P.S. I'll have you know that I didn't loose this fight, despite what the photo evidence shows. Nick rolled me around in the peanuts AFTER the fight, RIGHT before the photo. In short...he cheated.