By way of introduction, the Flinn chemical storage system (which we are using in the stock room) classifies any chemical with a LD50 less than 250 mg/Kg as a severe poison. They further recommend that severe poisons are stored in a locked cabinet. So, I was searching for an archive of LD50's. I didn't find one. However, I did find this. While it wasn't what I was looking for, it definitely was entertaining.
For those who don't know what a LD50 is, it is a dosage (reported in amount of substance per kilogram of animal body weight) that will kill half of a population in a given time. If you want to know more...well, you're online...look it up!
So, back to the bunnies! For Psilocybin, the intravenous LD50 is about the same for rats and mice (280 and 285 mg/Kg respectively). However, for rabbits it's much, much less 12.5 mg/Kg. The moral of the story? Rabbits can't handle their 'shrooms!
Thanks go to Replay 13, who posted this image on photobucket. If you want it removed, just say so.