So, we've been in Nebraska for about a week now. I've made a few observations, that in my opinion, everyone should consider before joining us out here. For instance...
1. It's flat. I still can't figure how people tell what way is north. I'm getting a little paranoid. Why do I need to see so far?
2. The air is trying to kill me! Everyone here is so OCD about their yard. While it's very pretty to look at, all the grass pollen isn't good for me.
3. People here actually obey the speed limit. I've always considered the speed limit to be a suggestion, and to only be followed if you are suffering from a serious lack of imagination. Here, if they're not going the speed limit, they're going five under.
4. The kindness is going to take some getting used to. At Walmart when you arrive at an intersection at the same time as another shopper, they actually stop! They even go as far as to insist that you go first. I swear, they even slow down when you're trying to get on the road. It's getting seriously annoying.
5. The people may be cautious, but the squirrels aren't. On campus the other day, I saw three squirrels out in the middle of the lawn (not the same lawn). Up to this point the only squirrels I've seen were running from bush to bush. I sat in an adjacent lawn, to watch one of them, while I ate lunch. I think it was trying to scare me off! Thank goodness that crow chased him away; I think I was getting a goosebump.
6. I don't think that I've ever seen so many road kill rabbits before. Today, we passed three in a two mile strech of road. I've yet to see an alive rabbit...apparently, no one else sees them either.
7. The main rental agency isn't interested in renting apartments. Odd, considering that they own most of them. I've called them several times. Each time, I got the distinct impression that I've woke the guy up; and he would really like to go back to bed, but the phone was annoying him. Needless to say, we didn't rent from them.
Well, like I said, we've only been here for a week. I'm sure that there is plenty more that will take some getting used to. All in all, I think that I am going to enjoy it here. We've found a place, and should be able to move in next week. I really enjoy my job, and I've even made some progress on the chemical storage. I can't wait to see what what happens next.