I miss...
1. the University of Utah. I have made many friends there, and I am sad I won't see them every day. Believe it or not, I'm even missing having to track down Chuck. It makes me sad to think that I've heard him say "I'm only here for a minute, but you wanted to see me..." for the last time.
3. the freak of the week. How am I going to live if I don't get to hear about all the wannabe Darwin Award recipients out there? My favorite one happened in Utah. A kid tried to steal a car. He missed the fact that there was a cop was sitting in it. Here's my favorite part. When the cop made his presence known, the kid crapped his pants, putting quite the damper on his get-a-way.
4. the marque signs. Yes, Nebraska has them, but they just are not the same. I really miss the sign that said "Bobby told me to put something up here, but I can't remember what."
5. being close enough to family that we could visit regularly. What was a 4 to 6 hour drive is now a 15 to 20 hour drive. Some may say that's still too close, but I really love the red sands of St. George. I also love the sign on I-15 that says "Idaho is too great to litter." Silly me...I thought Idaho didn't litter because it wasn't sentient.
7. public transportation. UTA has opened my eyes to a whole new world, and it's completely full of crazy people. Let's see....there was the guy who wanted to put nitro glycerin in his diesel fuel, a 50/50 mixture of course....the guy who dared me to give him my phone number....the guy who asked me to marry him....after that, I stoped taking TRAX after dark.
8. the protesters at temple square. Not necessarily the protesters themselves, more their signs. One time someone was picketing with an Oreo cookie advertisement.
9. the weather. If you don't like it, just wait five minutes. It'll change! Of course, if it changes to something you don't like, you only have to endure it for five minutes.